Job satisfaction among nurses in area hospitals of Djidja and Covè: Determinants and development of intervention in 2021 in Benin


  • ADOGNIBO S.G. Institut national médico-sanitaire de l’Université d’Abomey-calavi (Bénin)
  • HOUNTONDJI S.R. Institut national médico-sanitaire de l’Université d’Abomey-calavi (Bénin)
  • AHOSSI E. Institut national médico-sanitaire de l’Université d’Abomey-calavi (Bénin)
  • BATIONO N. Université Joseph ki Zerbo, Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)
  • AVANON J. Université Laval (Canada)
  • SOPOH G. Institut régional de santé publique de Ouidah (Bénin)

Mots-clés :

Benin, Job satisfaction, Nurses, Action research, Determinants, Intervention


In Benin, nurses complain of insufficient job satisfaction. This study is the third part of a mixed research project. The aim of this article was to develop an intervention to improve nurses' job satisfaction. Participatory action research with intervention mapping was carried out in 2021. Purposive sampling was used. Interviews and panel discussions were held with 40 participants, nurses and administrative staff from the Djidja and Covè area hospitals. A number of internal factors contributed to the nurses' job satisfaction. However, external factors also militated in favor of insufficient job satisfaction among nurses. This confirms the results of quantitative evaluation of nurses' job satisfaction, in line with a number of authors. The panelists agreed on a major workshop and satisfaction improvement program. They agreed on quantified objectives, a logic model, terms of reference, a logical framework and an evaluation plan. Participants also agreed on the development of nursing work management tools. The determinants of nurses' job satisfaction are examined in depth, some of which are confirmed, also confirming a lack of job satisfaction. The workshop will focus on three interventions selected from the literature, merged and adapted by the participants. None of these interventions has been tested in sub-Saharan Africa. Intervention implementation and evaluation will be the subject of future research.


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Comment citer

ADOGNIBO S.G., HOUNTONDJI S.R., AHOSSI E., BATIONO N., AVANON J., & SOPOH G. (2024). Job satisfaction among nurses in area hospitals of Djidja and Covè: Determinants and development of intervention in 2021 in Benin. Revue Africaine De Médecine Et De Santé Publique, 7(1), 301–313. Consulté à l’adresse



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